If you are attempting to donate to contribute to the cost of aftercare for your loved one, please select the appropriate amount below and complete the donation online.  Following is a brief explanation of the options:

Transitional Housing Locator Services for Sex Offenders or Non-Sex Offenders is where we will make every effort to help you locate transitional housing for your loved one.  These will primarily be selected where 1) HOPE Prison Ministries does not offer housing (at this time, HOPE’s Houses are only in Fort Worth, Texas), 2) when HOPE’s Houses are full, 3) the cost for HOPE’s Houses is not within your budget and/or 4) your loved one has not been awarded a scholarship.  (Limited scholarships are available but any applicant is required to be enrolled in our in-prison mentoring program for a period of at least six months before a scholarship will be considered.  The mentoring program requires reading selected books and writing summaries of each chapter as well as regularly communicating with their mentor about the books and weekly, More Than Redemption Church Services–available on the Pando app.)

The application fee ($300) and administrative fees ($2,000) are for HOPE’s Houses and may be paid individually, together ($2,300) or as one-payment with the hard costs of the first three months of aftercare ($5,300).  Generally speaking, if 1) parole has not been approved, we would request you to pay only the application fee ($300) and/or the administrative fee ($2,000 or $2,300) until parole is approved.  Then, upon parole approval and within 90 days of their release, we will contact you to pay the balance owed.  However, if your loved one is 1) waiting on a bed for release (parole was approved and their program was or will soon be completed) or 2) their release will be within 90 days, the entire cost of $5,300 is required to be paid in advance.

If you have any questions, please call (419) 777-HOPE (4673).