History and Leadership

Chandler Fozard founded HOPE Prison Ministries in 2008 and serves as its president. The ministry received its determination letter from the IRS July 2009, declaring it a non–profit, charitable organization under section 501(c)3 of its code. It has received grants from the prestigious Sid W. Richardson Foundation, the Amon G. Carter Foundation, the Walmart Community Giving program and more. Mr. Fozard is the founding pastor emeritus at More Than Redemption CHURCH (www.mtrCHURCH.org), and a partner in HOPE For Everybody, a for-profit company established to develop Internet properties to provide sustainability for the charitable interests of its owners. Chandler himself became a Christian when incarcerated for his own sinful crimes between 1992 and 1996. Today, by the grace of God alone, he is a husband (for 23 years and counting), a father, grandfather, author, teacher of the same truth that continues to change his life, and a mentor to many. He has been an approved volunteer in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice since the ministry began, HOPE is a partner agency with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and Mr. Fozard was approved to serve as a mentor for two different youth by the Texas ChalleNGe Academy, a program of the State of Texas and the Texas National Guard.

Brandon Matthews, vice-president. Brandon earned his associate’s degree in liberal arts from New Saint Andrews College (Moscow, ID). Brandon professed faith in Christ not long after Chandler and Barbara were married; employed as a service administrator at an RV business, he remains committed to the faith.

Barbara Fozard, secretary. Barbara has been employed as an administrative assistant and data entry professional throughout her career, typing more than 100 wpm! Chandler and Barbara married July 1, 2001. They are two sinners living life, broken, together.

Jason Rodrigue, executive director and treasurer, has more than 14 years of accounting experience, including 8 years of teaching and tutoring at the prestigious Southern Methodist University, LSU, the University of Texas at Dallas, formerly licensed as a CPA in the state of Texas from 2011 through 2016. He graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a master’s degree in accountancy and from Nicholls State University where he bachelor’s degrees in both accounting and economics, finally earning his master’s in business administration (MBA).

Tom Evans, operations manager, has more than 35 years of experience serving as a licensed, pastoral counselor in ministry, clinical, residential treatment, hospital and hospice settings, administration as a Treatment Center Administrator over psychiatric and psychological programs and services, behavior management, an outward-bound expeditionary learning program, and the superintendent of a private school for a residential treatment center. (In fact, more than 36 years earlier, Chandler first met Tom where Tom was employed as a staff member for the independent living program of a then prominent residential children’s home. While employed by the children’s home, Tom earned his master’s degree in family counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and completed his supervised practicum to obtain his licensed practical counselor designation.) He is a current member of the Association of Biblical Counselors.

Nikkole Worship-Wilson, intensive case manager, works with those under the care of the ministry with special needs, being intellectually developmentally delayed and/or having mental health challenges. Mrs. Wilson earned her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Youngstown University, paralegal certification from Southern Methodist University, and a master’s degree in practical theology from The King’s University. She has more than 20-years of experience in criminal and faith-based, restorative justice. From 2000 to 2014 she was employed as a probation and parole officer. She transitioned from community supervision, serving on the front lines, working as a liaison for various initiatives, including HOPE Prison Ministries. Mrs. Wilson and her husband, Patrick, have been married for 21 years and counting! They live in Fort Worth with their two teenage children. Together, they founded The Kingdom of God, a non-profit organization that ministers to the mind, body and soul of at-risk youth.

Sam Williams, Timothy Program on-site, live-in mentor and pastoral intern. Sam spent more than 20 years of his life in prison for multiple bank robberies. But, for the first time, during his last sentence, God saved him and turned his life around. Sam earned a Bachelor’s degree in theology and a master’s degree in Biblical counseling from Shalom Bible College & Seminary. He came to HOPE Prison Ministries and began serving as the on-site, live-in mentor to participants of its Timothy Program, and he serves as the pastoral intern and More Than Redemption CHURCH.

Fred Mesch, CPA, Registered Investment Advisor, has been guiding clients in his own Fort Worth practice for most of his career. For the past seven years, Fred has been highly involved in jail ministry through Turn-Key Outreach, teaching a weekly class at the Tarrant County Jail. Fred joined the board of HOPE in December 2023. He uses his professional background and skills to help formerly incarcerated men make smart, informed choices as they attempt to rebuild their personal and financial lives, inspired by his faith and a desire to use his own talents and resources.
Other Voting Board Members Include: Anthony Corbin; Nicholas Gutierrez; Charlie Holmes; Ronny Mares; Christopher Wright, all of whom were ministered to Chandler through the in-prison ministry of Hope Prison Ministries and have since successfully completed and are graduates of its Christ-centered aftercare, transitional housing.

Jeremy Lelek, counseling. Jeremy Lelek, Ph.D, earned his bachelor in psychology from Liberty University, his masters in counseling from Amberton University, and completed his doctorate in counseling education and supervision through Regent University. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Texas since 1999, the president of The Association of Biblical Counselors (www.ChristianCounseling.com) and the founder of Metroplex Counseling (www.MetroplexCounseling.com) through which he somehow still manages to maintain a vigorous counseling practice and to oversee others in the field.

Stephen Arnold, marketing. Stephen founded Stephen Arnold Music in 1993 and served as president of the company until 2022. Stephen, who is often referred to as “the most – heard, least known composer in the world,” was an early leader in Sonic Branding—blending original music compositions with unique tones and sounds to create distinct auditory signatures or logos. He and his handpicked team created numerous award-winning musical compositions for high-profile clients, including CNN, ABC News, CBS, The Weather Channel, CNN Headline News, National Geographic Channel, FOX, HBO, Time-Warner, Golf Channel, ESPN, as well as major advertisers like McDonald’s, Honda, Pizza Hut, Hershey and Kodak. Stephen also created sonic brands for many international clients, including Al Jazeera, Kuwait TV, India TV, TRK Ukraine, GSP Romania, Info TV (Slovenia), and Azteca TV (Mexico).

Dr. Mike Albritton, education and curriculum. Dr. Albritton shares his experience as a teacher, principal, nonprofit executive director and organizational consultant. With degrees in economics and educational administration from Yale University, Trinity of San Antonio, and the University of North Carolina, Dr. Albritton is quick to credit his professors and colleagues with the successes he has had in program design, professional development, and outcomes evaluation. As a principal, Mike led a team that closed the achievement gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children, and majority and minority students. As a consultant Mike has led professional development for prep schools domestically and abroad. A lifelong Christian, Mike has served continuously in youth ministries in the Episcopal Church. Desiring those under the care of HOPE Prison Ministries to learn that God loves them, he desires for all those he serves to learn to build healthy, whole lives, and to help the organization learn to do its work better. “It’s funny. I started with HOPE Prison Ministries because my wife thought they could use my help. As it turns out, through joining HOPE, God is allowing me to become my best self through serving brothers building new lives.”