
Primary Colors

Electronic displays (LCD screens, CRT monitors, etc.) may display colors slightly differently than they would appear in print. Gold is a particularly challenging color. As such, an alternate gold has been provided for electronic applications.

  • ND Blue
    PMS 289
    C99 M84 Y45 K51
    R12 G35 B64
  • ND Metallic Gold PMS 10127
    C31 M39 Y88 K5
    R174 G145 B66

Secondary Colors

The secondary color palette is provided to aid the design of communications that reflect the University of Notre Dame’s brand in tone and style through consistent use of color.

Although the University’s primary colors are blue and gold, marketing communications can be made more effective and compelling with a more flexible and sophisticated use of color harmony and contrast. The colors shown below are rendered on screen from official Hex values. Printed tones will vary.

These secondary colors can help complement the core spirit of the Notre Dame primary colors.

  • Brand Blue Light
    PMS 2154
    C100 M77 Y34 K22
    R20 G56 B101
  • Brand Blue Bright PMS 2945
    C97 M77 Y15 K3
    R28 G79 B143
  • Brand Gold Dark PMS 4495
    C41 M46 Y93 K17
    R140 G117 B53
  • Brand Gold Light PMS 117
    C18 M37 Y100 K1
    R211 G159 B16
  • Sky Blue
    PMS 650, 57% tint
    C10 M5 Y1 K0
    R225 G232 B242
  • Sky Blue Dark
    PMS 537, 87% tint
    C23 M13 Y6 K0
    R193 G205 B221
  • Sky Blue Light
    PMS 656, 40% tint
    C5 M2 Y0 K0
    R237 G242 B249
  • Warm White
    PMS 9064, 60% tint
    C2 M2 Y6 K0
    R248 G244 B236
  • Warm White Dark
    PMS 4545, 28% tint
    C6 M6 Y14 K0
    R239 G233 B217
  • Brand Green
    PMS 347
    C96 M2 Y100 K12
    R10 G132 B61
  • Brand Green Light
    PMS 2246, 85% tint
    C30 M1 Y26 K0
    R179 G218 B197