Daily Schedule Until Employed
BEFORE 9 AM – Be showered, dressed, tidy room, eat breakfast
The goal for those unemployed is 30 hours of curriculum each week, not including regular devotions and Bible reading.
9 AM – daily devotions (read selection from Scripture according to the daily reading plan and that day’s devotional), make a note of what you’ve studied
10 AM – Watch 1 DVD session, take notes / answer questions
11 AM – BREAK (15 minutes)
11:15 – Watch 1 more DVD session, take notes / answer questions
12 Noon – LUNCH (1 hour)
1 PM – Watch 2 DVD sessions, take notes / answer questions
3 PM – BREAK (15 minutes)
3:15 – Watch 2 DVD sessions and/or read a book
Job searching online and in-person. Be sure to track your work activity on the Work Search Log!
5 PM – If needed, empty and take out trash throughout all the house
Daily Schedule After Employment
Follow work schedule; try not to miss any work. If you must miss work, always call in well before you are scheduled to start work.
The goal is 30 hours a week of studies, Monday through Friday, while unemployed. Once employed, the goal is 15 hours each week as you’re able.